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2023年是共建“一带一路”倡议提出十周年。在近日接受中新网专访时,斯里兰卡议长阿贝瓦德纳盛赞了这一倡议取得的成就,由衷感激过去十年中国为斯里兰卡基础设施建设提供的帮助。他表示,斯中两国民众紧密连接,亲如一家。(吴辛茹) People from two countries are so closely associated and are more or less family members, suggested Abeywardana, speaker of the Parliament of Sri Lanka in an exclusive interview with China News Network. He praised the achievements of the BRI and introduced the stories of China’s assistance in Sri Lanka’s infrastructure construction. 责任编辑:【彭大伟】
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