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只许你搞情报,不许我反间谍? You can do anything for intelligence while I shall do nothing against espionage? 当前,中美关系正处在企稳向好关键阶段,两国外交、经济、军事等领域沟通渐次展开,双方禁毒合作、人工智能议题沟通也在紧锣密鼓推进。而就在中美双方积极落实“旧金山愿景”之际,美国中情局局长伯恩斯近期在《外交事务》上以“间谍与治国之道”为题撰文称,中情局已投入更多资源用于对华情报收集、分析和行动,过去两年对华工作预算增加一倍多,正在招聘培训更多会讲中文的雇员,要将对抗中国拓展到中情局的每个角落。 At present, the China-US relationship is at a critical stage of stabilization and improvement. Communication in diplomatic, economic, military and other fields between the two countries is gradually expanding. Bilateral cooperation in drug control and artificial intelligence exchanges are also
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